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Health insurance

Health insurance is insurance to meet the medical costs of a person. According to estimates of health risks and health related expenditures, an insured can take various types of health insurance, such as monthly premiums or payroll taxes, which will provide the necessary cost of medical care in emergency situations for their health services. According to the organization, health insurance is sickness or wounded condition Medical expenses available. Including compensation for accident accidents, medical expenses, disability or accidental deaths.


  • An agreement between an insurance provider (an insurance company or government) and an individual or its sponsor (an employer or an organization). The contract can be lifelong for renewable (annual, monthly) or personal insurance, or it may be compulsory for all citizens in the national plan. The nature and cost of health care costs are mentioned in writing by the insurance provider, in the case of personal insurance, in a member contract or in the "Evidence of Coverage" pamphlet, or in the case of public health through a national health policy.
  • It is an employer-sponsored self-financing insurance scheme provided by ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) plan. Companies or organizations generally propagate that they have an insurance policy. However, in the case of ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act), the company is not employed under the Insurance Act, they only supervise it. Hence ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) policy is not included in the state law. The matter is regulated by federal law.

Comparison image:

The Commonwealth Fund highlights its annual survey of "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall" in Australia, Germany, England, New Zealand, Canada, America, etc., and it shows that although US healthcare is the most expensive, but relatively other Less quality than countries


In this country, government health care is referred to as Medicare. It ensures universal service for free hospital treatment and other medical services. There are many private health insurance companies in the country to ensure private health care.

The United States:

Healthcare in America or the United States is largely dependent on private health insurance, which is the primary source of health care for most Americans. According to the 2012 Census for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 61% of Americans Personal health insurance is included.

United Kingdom:

England or the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS) is a governmentally operated healthcare system, where naturally all those living in the UK are covered by this healthcare. There are also many private insurance companies in the country that provide health insurance coverage.

History and evolution:

"Accident Insurance" was introduced in the late nineteenth century, which is much like current disability insurance. Such insurance services continued up to the beginning of the twentieth century, because in some jurisdictions (like California) the Health Insurance Control Act was actually involved in disability insurance.

The quality of hospital and clinic used by insurance companies:

The service values of their selected hospitals and clinics are different for insurance companies of different countries. However, in the United States, health insurance service providers are often informed of the value of their healthcare provider hospitals or clinicians, such as by accreditation by the Joint Commission and American Accreditation Health Care Commission.

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