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Facebook will give training to 1 million people in two years

World's largest social media Facebook has announced to launch three new training centers in Europe on Monday to train digital skills. Additionally, the company has pledged to train 10 million people in the next two years.
Currently in Europe, under pressure from policy makers, the US company has said that they are launching three community squills hubs in Spain, Poland and Italy. At the same time, France has invested 10 million euros in their artificial intelligence or Ai research office.
Facebook's Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg told Reuters, "Many people are worried about the idea that the digital revolution is behind people. And we want to make sure that we are investing in the digital skills sector to give the skills needed to live fully in the digital economy. "
These community hubs will be trained in digital skills, media education and online security for those who have limited access to technology, including the elderly, youth and refugees.
Sandberg said, "Of course we want people to see that we are investing locally, we are investing in technology, we are investing for the people."
When the EU is negotiating with tech companies to increase taxes, that is exactly what Facebook's move came at that time.
Facebook has introduced similar training centers in countries like Nigeria and Brazil.

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